API specifications
An overview of all API specifications that have been published in the API Library for Dutch Healthcare.
An overview of all API specifications that have been published in the API Library for Dutch Healthcare.
Verzamelen Huisartsgegevens
Het verzamelen van huisartsgegevens: je medische dossier bij je huisarts.
FHIR Account (Premium Billing)
The Account resource acts as a central record against which charges, payments, and adjustments are applied. It contains information about which parties are responsible for payment of the account.
FHIR AdverseEvent
The AdverseEvent resource returns data about an event that caused unintended physical injury resulting from or contributed to by medical care, a research study, or other healthcare setting factors. These events might require additional monitoring, treatment, or hospitalization, or might result in the death of a patient.
FHIR AllergyIntolerance
The AllergyIntolerance data models describe a patient's intolerance to a foreign substance and an associated reaction that occurs from exposure.
FHIR Appointment
Appointment describes a patient's scheduled visit with a health care provider. The Slot resource provides time-slots that can be booked using an appointment. They do not provide any information about appointments that are available, just the time, and optionally what the time can be used for. The Schedule resource is the link from a slot to a practitioner and location for an appointment.
FHIR Appointment (Appointments)
Appointment describes a patient's scheduled visit with a health care provider.
FHIR Binary (CCDA Documents)
Binary provides the ability to retrieve a particular document.
FHIR Binary (Clinical Notes)
Binary provides the ability to retrieve a particular document.
FHIR Binary (Clinical Reference)
Binary provides the ability to retrieve a particular document.
FHIR Binary (Correspondences)
Binary provides the ability to retrieve a particular document.
FHIR Binary (Document Information)
Binary provides the ability to retrieve a particular document.
FHIR Binary (External CDAs)
Binary provides the ability to retrieve a particular document.
FHIR Binary (Generated CCDAs)
Binary provides the ability to retrieve a particular document.
FHIR Binary (Handoff)
Binary provides the ability to retrieve a particular document.
FHIR Binary (HIS)
Binary provides the ability to retrieve a particular document.
Binary provides the ability to retrieve a particular document.
FHIR Binary (Labs)
Binary provides the ability to retrieve a particular document.
FHIR Binary (MDS)
Binary provides the ability to retrieve a particular document.
Binary provides the ability to retrieve a particular document.
FHIR Binary (Outside Record - Clinical Notes)
Binary provides the ability to retrieve a particular document.
FHIR Binary (Patient-Entered Questionnaires)
Binary provides the ability to retrieve a particular document.
FHIR Binary (Practitioner Photo)
Binary provides the ability to retrieve a particular document.
FHIR Binary (Radiology Results)
Binary provides the ability to retrieve a particular document.
174 items