Verzamelen Huisartsgegevens
Het verzamelen van huisartsgegevens: je medische dossier bij je huisarts.
Main version
Verzamelen Huisartsgegevens 2.0
Standardization level
View reportVerzamelen Huisartsgegevens 2.0 from Nictiz has achieved standardization level Fully standardized API. This means that this API meets at least all 'must' requirements up to and including this standardization level.
This API has been published in the API Library for Dutch Healthcare
Open API
Nictiz declares that this API is well-documented and that the documentation is publicly and freely available
Technically standardized API
Nictiz declares that all technical choices for this API comply with internationally recognized standards, guidelines, and best practices
Fully standardized API
Nictiz declares that all components of this API have been standardized and that this has been validated through a formal testing or qualification process